Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas wishes

I may not post for a while yet so here are my Christmas wishes to those who may visit this blog:

1948: December 22 - After Communion.

"You see, in the past there was the law of fear. Now it is the law of love. Doesn't the beautiful Feast of Christmas make you feel this deeply? From now on, won't everything in you be love - above all, your sorrow for your sins? Use your faults as a springboard to love Me better. And don't think this is a small thing. Love is never small. Love is transfiguration... You carry it with you from morning till night like a beacon, and each of your thoughts and feelings and actions becomes light that mingles with the light of heaven. Aren't you one with those who live in eternity? Aren't you one family, the children of the Father? And isn't there joy in union? Draw freely on the common treasury of merits while you are still on earth: you will not be alone then."